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How to setup your Python Discord Bot!

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How to setup your Python discord bot!

We've made it quite easy to run your new python bot, simply follow the steps below!

1) Once the service is purchased, please login to our panel at
2) Afterwords, please visit your service.
3) From here, you should start by uploading your bot files. You can do this by visiting the File Manager tab and uploading the files!
3) After your files are uploaded, create a file called `requirements.txt`. In this file, place each requirement for your discord bot in a different line. For example:
4) After you have placed your requirements. Please visit the "Startup" tab and set your bot start file. (This is the file you start your bot with)
5) After you set the startup file. You can now start your discord bot!

Your bot will start by downloading the required modules you set in your requirements.txt file. Your bot should start after.

If you come along any issues, feel free to send a message to our team!

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