We expect our server to be safe for all ages. Please review these rules, it helps us keep our safe community the way it is.
General Rules
1) ALL members must follow and agree to the Discord Terms of Service
2) Do not harass or directly insult anyone. Do not troll others.
3) Do not share your password to anybody, we'll never ask for it!
4) Do not share unsafe links or software packages.
5) Do not post shortened links
6) Do not post NSFW content
7) Do not advertise other discord servers or companies (Clients may post their discord in advertisement)
8) Listen and heed the staffs words.
9) Do not disrespect channel topics.
10) Do not mass DM discord users.
11) Do not impersonate other members or staff.
This doesn’t mean two cannot have the same name, nicknames will be changed if issues are caused.
12) Do not tag staff members They see your message, they will reply.
13) Do not ask the same question in multiple channels
16) We will never send passwords via discord. All passwords sent are done via our support center.
As an extra, please do not DM staff members for support, we are unable to provide assistance via DM's. If you need to contact us, please open a ticket here and we'll do our best to assist.
Advertisement Rules
1) Only post one advertisement per 24 hours, don't delete and repost.
Breaking these rules may see you banned / kicked from our discord server.
You will be given 3 warnings if your advertisement doesn't comply with the rules, 3 warnings = 1 week mute from the advertisement channel.
* Due to discord TOS, we must disclose that we may log your chats - including but not limited to channels, tickets, strictly for training and legibility cases. These logs are kept secure on our servers and will not be accessible to anyone other than the case of legal action.
Please do not share your passwords with anyone in this discord server, this includes staff and community helpers. A staff member will NEVER ask for your login details, if this happens at some point, please report it to our abuse department.
Thank you for your time, enjoy your stay!