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My account was charged while service was in-active

Support Portal  »  General FAQ  »  Viewing Article

  • 08/01/2020 9:59 PM

There are 2 types of inactive services on PloxHost, suspended/pending services and cancelled/terminated, it's important to know the difference between these 2 types.


A suspended/pending service can still generate invoices, these invoices will appear as pending and might generate charges, pending services get created when you stop paying for them or when there's something preventing it from being created.


A cancelled service, on the other hand, cannot generate new invoices, meaning that it can't generate any new charges for you, if you are seeing a charge on your account for a PloxHost service, make sure to review your account before reaching out to us.


My services are cancelled and I'm still being charged

If you get charged for a cancelled service, then it means one of 2 things:

  • Your account had a pending invoice that needed to be paid.
  • You still have an active PayPal subscription.


To avoid issues for the first scenario, make sure you have no pending invoices on your account beforehand, if you do have a pending invoice, and you want to avoid charges please contact us, our support team can cancel any pending invoices on your account.


If, on the other hand, you still have an active PayPal subscription, then you will still be charged automatically every billing cycle, normally, when a service is marked as cancelled, the system automatically cancels the PayPal agreement; however, in some rare cases, the agreement continues since PayPal failed to cancel it, when this happens, you need to manually cancel the agreement, you can find a guide on how to do this on PayPal's site or by contacting PayPal directly. Please note that we are unable to cancel PayPal agreements from our end.

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