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How to enable and disable whitelist on your Minecraft server

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1. Login to your server's control panel and make sure your server is turned on

2. On the left-hand side of your control panel, click "console."

3. When inside the console, type in "whitelist on". without the quotation marks

Please note when executing a command in the console, by default, it adds a "/" before the command.

After this, press the "Send" button located at the bottom right or press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. If done correctly, you will get a response similar to
"[Server] INFO Whitelist is now turned on". This confirms that Whitelist is enabled on your Minecraft server.

4. To add a user to your whitelist, in the console type in "whitelist add username". Replace "username" with the name of the user you would like to whitelist.
For example, if our username were to be FluxedScript, we would type in, "whitelist add FluxedScript" without quotation marks.

5. Repeat step 4 for each user you want to whitelist. Keep in mind to whitelist yourself because you aren't whitelisted by default.

How to disable whitelist on your Minecraft server

1. Login to your server's control panel and make sure your server is turned on

2. To disable whitelist, go to the console and type in, "whitelist off" without the quotation marks 
After this, press the "Send" button located at the bottom right or press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. If done correctly, you will get a response similar to
"[Server] INFO Whitelist is now turned off". 
This confirms that Whitelist has been turned off on your Minecraft server.

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